Friday 8 March 2013

Friday 1 March 2013


Why did I Choose what I chose to do?

I chose to do my GCSE course work on Chinese gymnastics training because I feel  a documentary I once watched about it, really made me feel disturbed about the training sessions they go through. I found it is a very interesting topic to choose and there is a lot of information you can find about it. I find that from have a gymnastics background, when looking at how the Chinese trained, it really made me see how much luckier I was.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Images from Articles

2nd Summary on another Article

In this second article,I found it even more shocking as a result of the amount of quotations used by the gymnastics coach in this piece of writing. It gives out more information about the training and the amount they do and what there day is like. It also depicts more images of the gymnasts in training and it gives out information such as the amount of talented gymnasts quitting as they can't handle the pressure.    It also tells us about a gymnast who won a gold medal at the 2008 olympics on the pommel horse and it describes about how he started at the age of 5.

Summary on Article

This article was found on the daily mail website. It is titled 'Training or Torture'. It is about the training that the Chinese children do to get Gold's at the Olympics. The article portrays many traumatising images about very young children around either 5 to 6 years of age. When reading through this article, it made me realise why the chinese win so many Golds at the Olympics. Their parents put them into training camps and they start training from a very young age so that they are able to go to the olympics.
To conclude the article, it is mainly showing you images on the children suffering from the training.